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Protein Folding and Dynamics Group


Proteins are the functional workhorses encoded by the prescriptive information stored in DNA. But the elegant interplay of forces which enables a protein to align all its sub-structural elements and attain its functional conformation via a saga termed Folding is still shrouded in obscurity. Our group is focused to scour into these unknowns and dissect these events in small temporal fragments at single molecule (SM) resolution. We deploy SM-Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy for these studies coupled with a myriad of other in-solution and in-cell probation techniques and virtual simulations. Protein aggregation which results from the misfolding and initiates from some seeding event somewhere latent in the folding funnel is critical for its implication on many neurodegenerative diseases. Our group resorts to biological fluorescence spectroscopy to study the unexplored realms of protein aggregation at single molecule resolution. Besides we use these methodologies to develop small molecule inhibitors, and use nanoparticles as delivery options. We also explore the dynamics of proteins within the confines of cells gluing microscopy with spectroscopy.

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